Returns all configured webhooks.
Returns all configured webhooks of the workspace.
Required Permissions
The user must be an admin or haveworkspace-manage-config:read
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Query parameters
Page number for pagination
Number of items per page
The properties to order by
The filter expression to filter by
The name of this webhook event.
The URI to call.
The event(s) that trigger the web hook. A comma-separated list of events that trigger the webhook. The allowed events depend on the webhook type. For type ‘custom’: retrieve the list of allowed events from ‘/webhooks/eventTypes’ For type ‘slack’: retrieve the list of allowed events from ‘/webhooks/eventTypes/slack’
Whether the web hook is currently active.
The authentication type to use when calling the URI. Can be ‘none’, ‘header’.
The language of the web hook message that will be sent to the receiver. Not required for custom web hooks.
The authentication value to use when calling the URI. Should be ‘key=value’. In case of header authentication, this should be ‘headername=headervalue’. Only required when the AuthenticationType is anything other than ‘none’.
The id of the webhook config.
The type of the web hook. Can be ‘custom’, ‘slack’.
The most recent failure reason.
The date this webhook config was created.
The id of the user who created this webhook config.
The date this webhook config was last modified.
The id of the user who last modified this webhook config.