
Getting help with the API

These Developer Docs should contain all details you need to successfully build apps and integrations with the awork API. We’re happy to answer your questions in our awork Community Developer Forum.

Please create a separate issue for each question. If you have issues with a particular request, please include as much detail as possible. Most importantly, we need the Trace-Id to be able to help you quickly.

Finding the Trace-Id

The Trace-Id is an awork-internal identifier that can identify a request. With it, we can look up a particular request and use this to investigate potential issues.

The Trace-Id is returned as a header in the response. It is therefore recommended to log the Trace-Id for failed requests.

The Trace-Id can also be found in the webhook event metadata.

awork Support

If you need help with a particular feature or the awork Web App, please check out the Help Center or contact our support team at

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