Returns the currently logged-in user and workspace.


Returns the currently logged-in user, including workspace information.

Required Permissions: Any authenticated user.



firstNamestringOptional>=0 characters<=1000 characters

The firstname of the user.

lastNamestringOptional>=0 characters<=1000 characters

The lastname of the user.

birthDatedatetimeOptionalDefaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

The birthdate of the user.

genderstringOptional>=0 characters<=25 characters

The gender of the user.

titlestringOptional>=0 characters<=100 characters

The title of the user.

positionstringOptional>=0 characters<=1000 characters

The position of the user.

languagestringOptional>=0 characters<=25 characters

The language preference of the user in ISO 639-1 format.


The id of the user.


The status of the user.

createdOndatetimeOptionalDefaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

The date this user was created.


The id of the user who created this user.

updatedOndatetimeOptionalDefaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

The date when this user was last updated.


The id of the user who updated the entity.

isArchivedbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Whether this user is archived. Archived users are automatically inactive and only exist for reference purposes.

isDeactivatedbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Whether the user has been deactivated.

deactivatedOndatetimeOptionalDefaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

The date the user was deactivated.

hasImagebooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Whether the user has uploaded a profile image.

shouldMigrateToConnectbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Whether the user should be migrated to Connect.

userContactInfoslist of objectsOptional

The contact information assigned to this user.

resourceVersionlongOptionalDefaults to 0

The version of the entity, updated on every modification, to the ticks in UTC. Not identical to UpdatedOn.

tagslist of objectsOptional

The tags of this user.

teamslist of objectsOptional

The teams the user is associated to.

isExternalbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

True if this entity is coming from an external workspace (awork Connect).


The account id of the user. Only used internally.


The user’s current workspace model.