Updates the team with the specified id.

Updates the team with the specified id. Only updates properties which are not null or whitespace.

Required Permissions
The user must be an admin.

Path parameters


The id of the team.



Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.

Query parameters

includeUserIdsbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Whether the user ids should be included.

includeProjectIdsbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Whether the project ids should be included.


This endpoint expects an object.
namestringRequired>=0 characters<=255 characters

The team name.

iconstring or nullOptional>=0 characters<=25 characters

The icon of the team. Optional. Possible values: ‘attach_money’, ‘poll’, ‘golf_course’, ‘all_inclusive’, ‘portrait’, ‘timeline’, ‘transform’, ‘description’, ‘folder’, ‘computer’, ‘web’, ‘phone_iphone’, ‘cloud’, ‘local_movies’, ‘shopping_cart’, ‘brush’, ‘image’, ‘camera_alt’, ‘movie_creation’, ‘public’, ‘whatshot’, ‘extension’, ‘explore’, ‘lock’, ‘settings’, ‘stars’, ‘store’, ‘school’, ‘local_bar’, ‘question_answer’, ‘favorite’, ‘work’, ‘flight_takeoff’, ‘map’, ‘local_dining’.

colorstring or nullOptional>=0 characters<=14 characters

The color of the team. Optional. Possible values: ‘red’, ‘coral’, ‘yellow’, ‘green’, ‘teal’, ‘arctic’, ‘blue’, ‘azure’, ‘purple’, ‘violet’.



namestring>=0 characters<=255 characters

The team name.

iconstring or nullOptional>=0 characters<=25 characters

The icon of the team. Optional. Possible values: ‘attach_money’, ‘poll’, ‘golf_course’, ‘all_inclusive’, ‘portrait’, ‘timeline’, ‘transform’, ‘description’, ‘folder’, ‘computer’, ‘web’, ‘phone_iphone’, ‘cloud’, ‘local_movies’, ‘shopping_cart’, ‘brush’, ‘image’, ‘camera_alt’, ‘movie_creation’, ‘public’, ‘whatshot’, ‘extension’, ‘explore’, ‘lock’, ‘settings’, ‘stars’, ‘store’, ‘school’, ‘local_bar’, ‘question_answer’, ‘favorite’, ‘work’, ‘flight_takeoff’, ‘map’, ‘local_dining’.

colorstring or nullOptional>=0 characters<=14 characters

The color of the team. Optional. Possible values: ‘red’, ‘coral’, ‘yellow’, ‘green’, ‘teal’, ‘arctic’, ‘blue’, ‘azure’, ‘purple’, ‘violet’.


The id of the team.


The date this team was created.

createdByUUID or nullOptional

The id of the user who created this team.


The date this team was last modified.

updatedByUUID or nullOptional

The id of the user who last updated this team.

userIdslist of UUIDsOptional

The ids of the users in the team.

projectIdslist of UUIDsOptional

The ids of the projects in the team.