Returns all teams.
If the include query params aren’t set or false, the specified collection property is null in the response. If the include param is true, but there are no entities in the collection, an empty collection is returned.
Required Permissions
Any authenticated user.Headers
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Query parameters
Whether the user ids should be included.
Whether the project ids should be included.
The team name.
The icon of the team. Optional. Possible values: ‘attach_money’, ‘poll’, ‘golf_course’, ‘all_inclusive’, ‘portrait’, ‘timeline’, ‘transform’, ‘description’, ‘folder’, ‘computer’, ‘web’, ‘phone_iphone’, ‘cloud’, ‘local_movies’, ‘shopping_cart’, ‘brush’, ‘image’, ‘camera_alt’, ‘movie_creation’, ‘public’, ‘whatshot’, ‘extension’, ‘explore’, ‘lock’, ‘settings’, ‘stars’, ‘store’, ‘school’, ‘local_bar’, ‘question_answer’, ‘favorite’, ‘work’, ‘flight_takeoff’, ‘map’, ‘local_dining’.
The color of the team. Optional. Possible values: ‘red’, ‘coral’, ‘yellow’, ‘green’, ‘teal’, ‘arctic’, ‘blue’, ‘azure’, ‘purple’, ‘violet’.
The id of the team.
The date this team was created.
The id of the user who created this team.
The date this team was last modified.
The id of the user who last updated this team.
The ids of the users in the team.
The ids of the projects in the team.