Edits multiple tasks using the specified operation.

The user is only allowed to edit tasks they have permissions for. The same applies for related entities like time entries. Returns MultiStatus. Includes the list of successful and failed tasks. Returns BadRequest if the validation for either operation or form fails.

Supported Operations: movetoproject: Moves all tasks to a new project. movetotasklist: Moves all tasks to a new task list inside the same project. setdates: Sets the due and optionally start date for all tasks. addtags: Adds a list of tags to all tasks in the list that don’t already have the tag. delete: Deletes all tasks. Optional including time trackings. changetypeofwork: Changes the type of work for a list of tasks. Optionally also for the related timetrackings. assignusers: Assigns a list of users to a list of tasks. unassignusers: Unassigns a list of users from a list of tasks. If the UserIds are not provided, all users are unassigned. setprio: Sets the prio flag for a list of tasks. changetaskstatus: Sets the task status for a list of tasks.

Required Permissions
Any authenticated user.

Path parameters


The name of the operation to execute on the given tasks.



Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.


This endpoint expects an object.
taskIdslist of UUIDsRequired

The list of task ids to perform the batch operation on.

newTaskListIdUUID or nullOptional

The id of the new task list. Needed if operation is ‘movetotasklist’. Optional if operation is ‘movetoproject’.

removeFromCurrentListboolean or nullOptional

Whether to remove the task from all its current task lists. Optional for operation ‘movetotasklist’.

newProjectIdUUID or nullOptional

The id of the new project to move the tasks to. Needed if operation is ‘movetoproject’.

newTaskStatusIdUUID or nullOptional

The id of the new task status id to change the tasks to. Needed if operation is ‘movetoproject’ or ‘changetaskstatus’.

newDueDatedatetime or nullOptional

The new due date for the tasks. Optional for operation ‘setdates’. If not set, due and start date will be removed.

newStartDatedatetime or nullOptional

The new start date for the tasks. Optional for operation ‘setdates’. Only gets used when NewDueDate is set.

removeDueDateboolean or nullOptional

Whether to remove the due date. Required for operation ‘setdates’.

removeStartDateboolean or nullOptional

Whether to remove the start date. Required for operation ‘setdates’.

tagslist of objectsOptional

List of tags to add to the tasks. If task already has tag, tag is skipped.

deleteTimeTrackingsboolean or nullOptional

Whether to delete the timetrackings of each task when deleting tasks. Optional for operation ‘delete’.

newTypeOfWorkIdUUID or nullOptional

The new type of work id for the tasks. Required if operation is ‘changetypeofwork’.

changeTimeEntriesboolean or nullOptional

Whether to change the type of work of the timeentries for each task aswell. Optional for operation ‘changetypeofwork’.

userIdslist of UUIDsOptional

Depending on the batch operation, it can be either the ids of the user to assign (‘assignusers’, required) or the ids of the user to remove (‘unassignusers’, optional, if not provided unassigns all users).

removeOldAssignmentsboolean or nullOptional

Whether to replace or add user assignments to a task that has users already assigned. Optional for operation ‘assignusers’.

isPrioboolean or nullOptional

Whether to set the tasks to be prio or not. Required for operation ‘setprio’.

daysOffsetdouble or nullOptional

In case of an adjust date operation, define the number (positive or negative) of days that will be added/subtracted to the task dates. It can be a decimal number (fraction of day)

