Adds a project member to the project with the specified id.
Adds a project member to the project with the specified id. The new project member can also be set as a responsible project member, but only if no other member of this project is responsible. It is necessary that the project role is available in this project, otherwise the member cannot be added. A project role is available when they are connected to the specified project type of the project. A user can only be added to the project once.
permissions of the feature project-master-data
.Path parameters
The id of the project.
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
The id of the member.
The id of the project role for this member.
Whether the user should be marked as responsible.
The id of the project member entity.
The id of the user who is this project member.
The first name of the user.
The last name of the user.
Whether the user has an image.
The project role of the project member.
The project role name of the project member.
Whether the user is responsible for this project.
Whether the user is deactivated.
True if this entity is coming from an external workspace (awork Connect).