Updates the project with the specified id.


Updates the project with the specified id.

Required Permissions: The user has to be the creator of the project or needs write permissions of the feature project-master-data.

Path parameters


The id of the project.


This endpoint expects an object.
namestringRequired>=0 characters<=1000 characters

The name of the Project. Max allowed length: 25000 characters.

isPrivatebooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Whether this is a private project only visible to members and the creator. Defaults to false. Can only be changed from public to private if no times have been tracked on this project. Can always be made public.

descriptionstringOptional>=0 characters<=25000 characters

The project description. Max allowed length: 25000 characters.

startDatedatetimeOptionalDefaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

The start date of the project.

dueDatedatetimeOptionalDefaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

The due date of the project.


The id of the company.


The time budget the project has, in seconds.

isBillableByDefaultbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Whether project times should be billable by default.


The id of the project type of this project.

colorstringOptional>=0 characters<=14 characters

The color of the project for display purposes in awork. The supported colors are defined by the awork frontend. Can be null when no color assigned.



namestring>=0 characters<=1000 characters

The name of the Project. Max allowed length: 25000 characters.

isPrivatebooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Whether this is a private project only visible to members and the creator. Defaults to false. Can only be changed from public to private if no times have been tracked on this project. Can always be made public.

descriptionstringOptional>=0 characters<=25000 characters

The project description. Max allowed length: 25000 characters.

startDatedatetimeOptionalDefaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

The start date of the project.

dueDatedatetimeOptionalDefaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

The due date of the project.


The id of the company.


The time budget the project has, in seconds.

isBillableByDefaultbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Whether project times should be billable by default.


The id of the project type of this project.

colorstringOptional>=0 characters<=14 characters

The color of the project for display purposes in awork. The supported colors are defined by the awork frontend. Can be null when no color assigned.


The id of the project status.


The id of the template which is used to create the project.


The id of the public template which is used to create the project.


Id of the project.

hasImagebooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Whether the project has an image.

createdOndatetimeOptionalDefaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

The date this entity was created.


The id of the user who created this entity.

updatedOndatetimeOptionalDefaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

The date this entity was last modified.


The id of the user who last modified this entity.

closedOndatetimeOptionalDefaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

The date the project was set to closed.


The user who closed the project.


The id of the template the project was created from.

tagslist of objectsOptional

The tags for this project.

plannedDurationlongOptionalDefaults to 0

The total planned time of the project, in seconds. The time is calculated as te sum of the planned duration by all project tasks.


The number of all tasks related to the project.


The number of all tasks in status ‘done’ related to the project.

memberslist of objectsOptional

The members of this project.


The summed up duration of all time trackings for this project.

resourceVersionlongOptionalDefaults to 0

The version of the entity, updated on every modification, to the ticks in UTC. Not identical to UpdatedOn.

teamslist of objectsOptional

The teams the project is associated to.

isExternalbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

True if this entity is coming from an external workspace (awork Connect).