Creates a new task status for the specified project template.

Creates a new task status for the specified project template.

Required Permissions
The user must be an admin or have project-manage-config:write permissions.

Path parameters


The id of the project template.



Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.


This endpoint expects an object.
namestringRequired>=1 character<=30 characters

The name of the task status.

typestringRequired>=1 character

Specifies the general type of this task status. Accepted values: ‘todo’, ‘progress’, ‘review’, ‘stuck’, ‘done’.

orderdouble or nullOptional

The order of the task status. If it is null, the task status will be appended after the last task status.

iconstring or nullOptional

The icon of the task status.




The primary identifier of this task status.

namestring or nullOptional

The name of the task status.

typestring or nullOptional

Of what general type is this task status?.

orderdouble or nullOptional

The order of the task status in a project.

iconstring or nullOptional

The icon of the task status.

projectIdUUID or nullOptional

Is set if the task status is related to a project.

projectTypeIdUUID or nullOptional

Is set if the task status is related to a project type.


The date this entity was created.


The id of the user who created this entity.


The date this entity was last modified.


The id of the user who last modified this entity.