Updates the account with the specified id.

Updates the account with the specified id. Does not update the external account of the user. Use the ‘accounts/connectToSocialAccount’ or ‘accounts/disconnectToSocialAccount’ endpoints instead. If the email of the account is changed, the email will not be changed immediately but a verification email will be sent to the new email address. The email will only be changed after the user has verified the new email address.

Required Permissions
Any authenticated user.

Path parameters


The id of the account.



Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.


This endpoint expects an object.
emailstring or nullOptional

The email of the account.

firstNamestring or nullOptional

The first name of the account.

lastNamestring or nullOptional

The last name of the account.

languagestring or nullOptional

The language of the account, as a Language Culture Name (de-DE).

timezonestring or nullOptional

The timezone of the account. The format of the timezone is the IANA standard.


Whether MFA is enabled for the account.



emailstring or nullOptional

The email of the account.

firstNamestring or nullOptional

The first name of the account.

lastNamestring or nullOptional

The last name of the account.

languagestring or nullOptional

The language of the account, as a Language Culture Name (de-DE).

timezonestring or nullOptional

The timezone of the account. The format of the timezone is the IANA standard.


Whether MFA is enabled for the account.


The id of the account.


Whether the password is generated by awork.


Whether the email has been confirmed by the user.

externalAccountslist of objectsOptional

The list of connected social providers.

mfaProviderslist of stringsOptional

The enabled MFA providers for the account. Currently we support “Email” and “Authenticator”.


Whether the account has passwordless login enabled.