Returns all absences.
Admin or user planning data permissions are required, otherwise only the absences of the current user are returned.
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Query parameters
Page number for pagination
Number of items per page
The properties to order by
The filter expression to filter by
The id of the user to create the absence for.
The start time of the absence.
The end time of the absence.
The reason for the absence.
The external provider for the absence.
The date the absence was deleted.
The id of the user that deleted the absence.
If it’s true it means that this Absence is read-only and cannot be edited/deleted by the user.
If it’s true and it’s a single day absence means that the absence is for the first half of the workday. If it’s a multi day absence it started on the second half of the first day of the absence period.
If it’s true and it’s a single day absence means that the absence is for the second half of the workday. If it’s a multi day absence it ended on the first half of the last day of the absence period.