Updates the workspace with the specified id.
Updates the workspace with the specified id.
Required Permissions
The user must be an admin or haveworkspace-manage-config:write
permissions.Path parameters
The id of the workspace.
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Whether the social login via apple and google is allowed.
Whether the user can login with username and password.
The workspace name. Optional.
The workspace description. Optional.
The workspace language. Optional.
The workspace type. Optional.
The workspace size. Optional.
The workspace team goals. Optional.
The way the workspace noticed awork, set during the onboarding.
The project management tool used before awork, set during the onboarding.
Whether the SCIM integration should be able to book additional user seats when provisioning and activating new users, or should return BadRequest. Only admins are allowed to change this setting.
Whether same domain signup feature is enabled. Only admins are allowed to change this setting.
Default Role for users who sign up through same domain signup. Only admins are allowed to change this setting.
Domains enabled for same domain signup feature. Only admins are allowed to change this setting.
Whether to skip the creation of default workspace data.
Whether the social login via apple and google is allowed.
Whether the user can login with username and password.
The workspace name. Optional.
The workspace description. Optional.
The workspace language. Optional.
The workspace type. Optional.
The workspace size. Optional.
The workspace team goals. Optional.
The way the workspace noticed awork, set during the onboarding.
The project management tool used before awork, set during the onboarding.
Whether the SCIM integration should be able to book additional user seats when provisioning and activating new users, or should return BadRequest. Only admins are allowed to change this setting.
Whether same domain signup feature is enabled. Only admins are allowed to change this setting.
Default Role for users who sign up through same domain signup. Only admins are allowed to change this setting.
Domains enabled for same domain signup feature. Only admins are allowed to change this setting.
Whether to skip the creation of default workspace data.
The id of the workspace.
The workspace’s subdomains. Read-only.
The amount of workspace members. Only visible when the user is authenticated. Read-only.
Whether this is the workspace the current user last logged in with.
The date and time the user last logged in with this workspace, or the workspace was last accessed.
The ids of identities assigned to this workspace. Read-only.
Whether the workspace has uploaded a workspace image.
The date this workspace was created.
The id of the user who created this workspace. Only set after the first invitation succeeded.
The date this workspace was last modified.
The id of the user who last updated this workspace. Only set after the first invitation succeeded.
Whether the workspace is a test workspace.
Whether the user accepted the invitation to the workspace.
Whether the user can login via an external SSO provider.
Whether the workspace has SCIM user provisioning enabled.
The virtual MRR calculated during onborading.
The type of sign-up set during the onboarding. Can be: web, mobile, …
Whether the domain of the account of the workspace creator is a freemail or a business domain.
Whether this workspace has same domain sign up enabled and the account’s email matches the permitted domains.
Whether this workspace is full and no more users can join. Used in same domain sign up flow.