Sets the temporary file to a global or entity file.

Links the temporary file to the specified entity or switches to a global file if the ‘EntityId’ of the model is set to null. The file is no longer a temporary file afterwards and becomes visible.

Required Permissions
Any authenticated user.

Path parameters


The id of the file.



Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.


This endpoint expects an object.
entityIdUUID or nullOptional

The id of the entity the file should be linked to. Set to null to change the file to a global file.

entityTypestring or nullOptional

The type of the linked entity. Necessary if EntityId is set.



namestring or nullOptional

The user-specified name of the file.

descriptionstring or nullOptional

The description of the file.


The id of the file info.

entityIdUUID or nullOptional

The id of the linked entity.

fileNamestring or nullOptional

The name of the file.

entityTypestring or nullOptional

The name of the linked entity type.

mimeTypestring or nullOptional

The MIME type of the file.


The date this file was created.


The id of the user who created this file.


The date this file was last modified.


The id of the user who last modified this file.

fileVersionslist of objectsOptional

List of all versions.


Whether the file is related to a comment.

externalProviderstring or nullOptional

The external provider for the file. Like ‘google’ or ‘onedrive’.

externalFileUrlstring or nullOptional

The file url of the external provider.


Whether the file is hidden for connect users.