Changes the base type for a batch of tasks.

Changes the base type for a batch of tasks. This operation will remove the task from the lists it is in. If the task is a parent task, all subtasks are changed as well. If the task has task dependencies to tasks not in the given list of task ids, those will be removed as well. If the task baseType is already the correct base type, no changes are made. The status of the task is matched automatically to the first status of the new basetype based on order and type.

Required Permissions: The required permissions depend on the base type of the task. If the task is a project task, write permissions on the project-planning-data feature are required. For a user’s private task, no special permissions are required.
Returns 204 NoContent if all tasks have been changed successfully. Returns 207 MultiStatus if at least one task could not be changed, including the reasons.



Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.


This endpoint expects an object.

The type the tasks should be migrated to. Possible values are ‘private’ or ‘projecttask’.

Allowed values:

The id of the entity. The id of the project if the base type is ‘projecttask’ or the id of the user if the base type is ‘private’.

taskIdslist of UUIDsRequired

The list of task ids.


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