Updates an existing task view.
Updates an existing task view. If the provided filter string is invalid the request will fail with status 400. Only the original author can update a non-shared task view. Shared task views can only be updated by the original author or someone with project planning permissions.
Required Permissions
Any authenticated user.Path parameters
The id of the task view that will be updated.
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
The filter query that is applied to the tasks results. The syntax follows the normal filter conventions that can be used on GET routes.
The filter settings to display.
The name of the task view.
The id of the task view.
The filter query that is applied to the tasks results. The syntax follows the normal filter coventions that can be used on GET routes.
The filter settings to display.
The name of the task view.
The date this task view was created.
The id of the user who created this task view.
The date this task view was last modified.
The id of the user who last modified this task view.