Archives or unarchives the task list with the specified id.
Archives or unarchives the task list with the specified id. An archived task list still exists but is not editable anymore.
Path parameters
The id of the project the task list is related to.
Id of the task list which will be archived.
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Flags the entity as archived.
The operation for tasks which are not yet done. The operation is required if you set a list to archived. Can be: task-to-done: Set tasks to ‘Done’ or the first status of type ‘done’. task-remove: Remove tasks from this task list. task-move: Move tasks to another list. task-delete: Deletes the non done tasks.
The id of the task list where all non done tasks should moved to. Only necessary if TaskOperation is set to ‘task-move’.
Set to true to delete also the related time trackings of all non done tasks. Only necessary if TaskOperation is set to ‘task-delete’.
The id of the task list.
Whether the task list has been archived.
The date this task list was created.
The id of the user who created this task list.
The date this task list was last modified.
The id of the user who last modified this task list.
The name of the list.
The order of the list.
True if the task in this list will be not visible for external workspace users. False otherwise.