Returns the existing recurrency rule for one task template.

Required Permissions
Any authenticated user.

Path parameters




Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.



recurrencyRulestring>=1 character

The recurrence rule as cron expression. We support all expressions which cronos supports ( The number of occurrences is limited to 24 a day.

recurrencyIntervalinteger or nullOptional

The interval of the executed expression. If the value is 3, only the third time of the expression the recurrence is actually executed.

relativeDueOnlong or nullOptional

The relative due date and time of the task created from this recurrence rule, in seconds, from the moment of creating the task by a recurrence rule.

recurrencyStartOndatetime or nullOptional

DateTime when recurring task creation will start, considering the set Recurrency Rule and Recurrency Interval.

recurrencyTimezonestring or nullOptional

The timezone of the Recurrency Rule. If not set, will use the requesting user’s timezone.