Updates the project template with the specified id.

Updates the project template with the specified id.

Required Permissions
The user must be an admin or have project-manage-config:write permissions.

Path parameters


The id of the project template.



Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.


This endpoint expects an object.
namestring or nullOptional>=0 characters<=255 characters

Name of the project template.

descriptionstring or nullOptional>=0 characters<=25000 characters

Description of the project template.

isBillableByDefaultstring or nullOptional

Whether the project should be billable by default. Can be ‘on’, ‘off’, or ‘auto’. Default is auto.

defaultTaskListIdForEmailsUUID or nullOptional
projectTypeIdUUID or nullOptional

Project type id of the project template.

timeBudgetinteger or nullOptional

The amount of time budgeted for the project in seconds. If null, the time budget will be unchanged. Set to 0 to remove the time budget.




The id of the template.

namestring or nullOptional

The name of the template.

descriptionstring or nullOptional

The description that will be used for the project created from this template. It will be appended to the project description provided by the user.


The date this entity was created.


The id of the user who created this entity.


The date this entity was last modified.


The id of the user who last modified this entity.

isBillableByDefaultstring or nullOptional

Whether project times should be billable by default, if the project was created by this template. Can be ‘on’, ‘off’, or ‘auto’.

defaultTaskListIdForEmailsUUID or nullOptional

The id references the task list, which is used to assign tasks created by email to.

projectStatuseslist of objectsOptional

The project statuses of the template.


Whether the project template has an image in the files service.

projectTypeIdUUID or nullOptional

The id of the project type.


The amount of time budgeted for the project in seconds.