Returns all project tasks of the project with the specified id.

To get the task with the specified id ‘read’ permissions on the feature project-planning-data are necessary. Otherwise returns only assigned tasks.

Required Permissions
Any authenticated user.

Path parameters


The id of the project.



Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.

Query parameters

pageintegerOptionalDefaults to 1

Page number for pagination

pageSizeintegerOptionalDefaults to 10

Number of items per page


The properties to order by


The filter expression to filter by



namestring>=0 characters<=1000 characters

The name of the task. Max allowed length: 1000 characters.

descriptionstring or nullOptional>=0 characters<=25000 characters

The description of the task. Max allowed length: 25000 characters.


Whether this task is marked as priority.

startOndatetime or nullOptional

The expected start date and time of the task.

dueOndatetime or nullOptional

The expected due date and time of the task.

laneOrderinteger or nullOptional

The lane order defines the vertical position in the task board.


The expected planned workload of the task, in seconds.

remainingDurationinteger or nullOptional

The expected remaining duration from the original planned effort of the task, in seconds. Null if the user has no permissions to see time tracking information.


The Id of the task.


True if the model is coming from an external workspace (awork Connect). False otherwise.


True if the task is hidden for external workspace users. False otherwise.


The base type of the task. Can be ‘private’ for a private task or ‘projecttask’ for a project task.

Allowed values:

The id of the status for this task.


The id of the type of work of this task.

assigneeslist of objectsOptional

The list assigned users of this task, or empty if not user was assigned.

projectIdUUID or nullOptional

The id of the project this task is assigned to. Only set if this is a project task. In this case, it is equal to the EntityId.


The correlation id between parent and subtasks, meaning it’s either the ParentId or its own Id.

parentIdUUID or nullOptional

The id of the parent task this of this subtask. Only set if this is a subtask.


True if the task is a subtask.

numberOfSubtasksinteger or nullOptional

The number of subtasks of this task. Null if it’s not a parent task.


Whether this task has an attachment.

listslist of objectsOptional

The lists to which the task is assigned to.

userIdUUID or nullOptional

The id of the user of the private task.

tagslist of objectsOptional

The list of tags.


The date this task was created.


The id of the user who created this task.


The date this task was last modified.


The id of the user who last modified this task.

closedOndatetime or nullOptional

The date the task was set to closed.

closedByUUID or nullOptional

The user who closed the task.


The order of the task in a task status column.

subtaskOrderdouble or nullOptional

The order of the subtask relative to its parent task.

createdFromTaskIdUUID or nullOptional

When the task was created by a recurrency rule, the id is the link to the template of which the task was created.


If the task is a recurrency template (used to create new tasks by a recurrency rule), the flag is true.

customFieldslist of objectsOptional

Custom fields of the task.

trackedDurationinteger or nullOptional

The summed up duration of all time trackings for this task.

totalTrackedDurationinteger or nullOptional

The summed up duration of all time trackings for this task, including subtasks.

totalPlannedDurationinteger or nullOptional

The total planned workload of the task, in seconds, including subtasks.

totalRemainingDurationinteger or nullOptional

The total remaining duration from the original planned effort of the task, in seconds, including subtasks.


The version of the entity, updated on every modification, to the ticks in UTC. Not identical to UpdatedOn.


The number of checklist items marked as done.


The total number of checklist items.


The number of task schedules for this task.


Whether this task is completed scheduled.


The number of comments on this task.

entityIdUUID or nullOptionalDeprecated

The id of the entity this task is assigned to. This is the id of the project if this is a project task, or the id of a user if this is a private task. See ‘BaseType’ for supported types.