Returns a specific automation from a project.
Returns a specific automation of the project with the specified id. Returns NotFound if the automation doesnt exist. To get the the automation data the user needs to be the owner of the project or have ‘read’ permissions of the feature ‘project-master-data’ globally or in his project role.
Required Permissions
Any authenticated user.Path parameters
The id of the automation.
The id of the project.
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
The id of the automation.
The id of the user who created the automation.
The date the automation was created.
The id of the user who updated the automation.
The date the automation was updated.
The id of the trigger which is related to the automation.
Whether the automation is enabled.
The state of the automation. See AutomationsService.DAL.Models.AutomationState for the possible values.
Whether the automation was created from an automation template of a project template.
The id of the project which is related to the automation.
The id of the project template which is related to the automation.
The actions which is related to the automation.