Returns the specified contact info of the company with the specified id.


Returns the specified contact info of the company with the specified id.

Required Permissions: The user must be an admin or have company-master-data:read permissions.

Path parameters


The id of the company.


The id of the contact info.

Query parameters

pageintegerOptionalDefaults to 1

Page number for pagination

pageSizeintegerOptionalDefaults to 10

Number of items per page


The properties to order by


The filter expression to filter by



typestring>=0 characters<=25 characters

The type of the contact info. Possible values are: ‘phone’, ‘email’, ‘address’, ‘custom’.

labelstringOptional>=0 characters<=1000 characters

The label of the contact info. Only necessary if type ‘custom’ is used.

valuestringOptional>=0 characters<=1000 characters

The value of the contact info.

subTypestringOptional>=0 characters<=25 characters

The subtype of the contact info, Possible values are: phone: [ ‘central’, ‘other’ ] email: [ ‘central’, ‘invoice’, ‘other’ ] address: [ ‘central’, ‘invoice’, ‘other’ ] url: [ ‘primary’, ‘other’]

addressLine1stringOptional>=0 characters<=1000 characters

The first address line of the contact info.

addressLine2stringOptional>=0 characters<=100 characters

The second address line of the contact info.

zipCodestringOptional>=0 characters<=100 characters

The zipcode of the contact info.

citystringOptional>=0 characters<=100 characters

The city of the contact info.

statestringOptional>=0 characters<=100 characters

The state of the contact info.

countrystringOptional>=0 characters<=100 characters

The 2 letter iso code of the country.


Flags whether this contact info is an address. If it’s an address, the address fields are required.

idstringOptionalformat: "uuid"

The Id of the contact info.


The date this entity was created.

createdBystringOptionalformat: "uuid"

The id of the user who created this entity.


The date this entity was last modified.

updatedBystringOptionalformat: "uuid"

The id of the user who last modified this entity.

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