Creates a new autopilot for the project with the specified id.


Creates a new autopilot for the project with the specified id. Also creates and enables all alerts for the new autopilot. For this action, the user needs to be the owner of the project or must have ‘read’ permissions of the feature ‘project-master-data’ globally or in his project role.

Required Permissions
Any authenticated user.

Path parameters


The id of the project.


This endpoint expects an object.
typestringRequired>=1 character

The type of the autopilot.

alertslist of objectsOptional

The alerts of the autopilot.



typestring>=1 character

The type of the autopilot.


Whether the autopilot is enabled.

alertslist of objects

The alerts of the autopilot.

idstringOptionalformat: "uuid"

The id of the autopilot.


The date this object was created.

createdBystringOptionalformat: "uuid"

The id of the user who created this object.


The date this object was last modified.

updatedBystringOptionalformat: "uuid"

The id of the user who last modified this object.

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